
Activities, Categories: 
Monday, October 23, 2017 - 18:30
Goodsmelling Vegan Dinner with Jackfrucht, Arrabiata and Pasta from Wolfgang King.


"The Heat is on" on MY TASSILO. 

We had to open the Windows to stand his new Dieselofen.

After Dinner there were enjoing Talks with Maru about her Binnenschifferlife.


Ca at 23:30 we decided to return to Linz...

Nice calm Evening Turn back home



  1. .... UNTIL ....



We had to leave at eleven, and suddenly....

No Rudder, No Steering. But lots of FETT aka Grease.

The Steelrope is broken. Of course just at an really bad Place to repair.



Steeing is gone absolutely. Half the Way to go. What to do in the Middle of Nowhere?

We tried with an Grabbing-Tool to use the Rest of the Rope first, not very usefull. You don`t get any Feedback and can´t Reposition to neutral.

All the Way to the Rudderquadrant has to be "bloßgelegt" quickly, to be able to reach it manually.

Inbetween Marushka managed all the remaining little Things: 

  • Do not touch any Bage
  • Don't drive in the Middle and not scrach the Stones
  • Going Return with the Machine, Neutral and Forward again (now allways in Circles - some SB some BB)
  • Clearing the Anchor
  • And preparing the Handfunke for eventual Emergency Call.


But keep Cool - Solution is on the Way. 


First This - than That. Max goes into the Loo/Rudderroom with an Pair of Handgloves.

Unser wichtigstes Crewmitglied Max hatte die schlechteste Sicht.

Aye Aye Captain !!!

Of course we had to work on the Communication:


  • Max was downunder at the "Ruderquadrant" - he was only able to see some Stars through an little Bulleye.
  • Marushka ist the inbetween Commandomanager, she gets my Commands, translates them on the fly and instructs the Steerman.
  • For me it was really the first Time steering freehand: "Look Mom, no Hands!"



Etwa lief das dann so ab:

  • Zwei Strich Backbord, okay - so bleiben, wieder neutral .....
  • Ein Strich Starbord.
  • das andere Starbord meinte ich - Max.! 
  • Gut so. Weiter so.. {Keep on positive to my Crew}
  • Nun wieder 2 Strich Backbord.
  • etc.
  • etc.


Max kann unter den Handschuhen das Wasser spüren. Durch die fehlende Übersetzung ist es eine sehr feinfühlige Angelegenheit. Der runde Ruderquadrant hat ja nur einen Halbkreis (210Grad) zur Drehung. Er hat es recht schnell bravourös geschafft ein blindes Gespür für die Liesbeth zu bekommen.

Nach einen weiteren halben Stunde - wie man sieht in guter Geradeausfahrt - waren wir endlich im Winterhafen - nunmehr ohne Gegenströmung.

Zum langsamen Anlegen dann noch die letzte Wende mit maximum Backboardeinschlag mit Bremsung und voll Retour - und sicher angelandet ohne Bumms!

Das Manöverbier gab es dann nach dem Festmachen - damit der Adrenalinpegel auch wieder normalisiert.


Danke Neptun & Konsorten - speziell dafür, dass ich nicht allein an Bord war...



Believe it or not, after some Circles to get our Communication ready, we made an better Way Home as before. (The were only 2 or 3 still Ships around us, and not so near as it look in this Google Map Image.)


Realy glad, to have these two Members in my Crew, Thank You, Max & Marushka.


Wo war die Notpinne ;-)